Novak Djokovic: The Sporting Statesman – A Book by Chris Bowers

There’s only a handful of tennis superstars out there, so you have to be pretty legendary to cut. A perfect example of a world-class tennis player is Novak Djokovic, born and raised in Serbia. The Sporting Statesman book explores the life of Djokovic, his journey to stardom and his incredible passion for the sport. Not only does it focus on Djokovic, but the book profoundly explores the history and philosophy of the sport. Chris Bowers wrote the book, and we love the fluid writing style.

Overview: What is The Sporting Statesman About
Novak Djokovic: The Sporting Statesman is a biographical book, and therefore it is mainly based around Djokovic’s career. It accounts for the player’s massive collection of awards and his passion for playing better despite his fame. The book is not just about the wins, though, with all different stages in Novak’s life being accounted for. The most disappointing losses are described with sorrow, and the most glorifying wins are relived with joy. Djokovic lived a fruitful life, and all the details can be found in this book! Furthermore, Chris Bowers relates the book’s focus to tennis’s general history and philosophy – it’s a must-have for any tennis fan!

Emotional Accounts of Djokovic’s Lowest Moments
Life is full of ups and downs, so it would not be appropriate for a biographic book to ignore the sad times in life. This is a powerful element of The Sporting Statesman – the author doesn’t hold back to emotional events. All the player’s darkest moments are accounted in this book, including his devastating loss to Roger Federer in Wimbledon 2012. These moments bring out the best in the authors writing. Chris Bowers is not afraid to write with feelings, resulting in this book standing out from the crowd.

Motivational Practices and Techniques
Every superstar sportsperson has their secret tips, and Novak Djokovic is no exception. This book explores the making of a tennis master, documenting his hard work and persistence throughout his life. The book explores his childhood, his habits and routine, allowing you to take a look into the life of a legend. It emphasizes his hard work, discipline, and determination, which will inspire you for sure. From his highly polished tennis techniques to the diet he follows, all is revealed in this biographical work.

Exploring his Serbian Heritage
Novak Djokovic is from the beautiful country of Serbia, and he holds his heritage proudly! Djokovic has always been vocal about his love for the Serbian people, and the country feels the same way. He is arguably the most famous man in Serbia and will soon represent the country in the ATP Cincinnati Open 2021. This book explores the relationship between Djokovic and the inspiration he has gained from his homeland. It is fantastic to see Chris Bowers recognizing the significance of Serbia in Djokovic’s life and writing these beautiful chapters. Take note of this when watching the ATP Cincinnati Open 2021 – you will be able to see the pride in his eyes.

The Verdict
Overall, Novak Djokovic: The Sporting Statesman is a genuinely excellent biographical work about one of the biggest names in tennis. This is not just a typical biography – it is unbiased and explores both the highs and lows of Djokovic’s career.
Whether you’re a newbie to the sport or you’re a long-time fan of Djokovic, we guarantee that this book will give you the motivation you need to aim high!